Friday, December 1, 2006

Italo Calvino

'''Italo Calvino''' (Hotlink caller ringtones October 15,Alison 18 1923 – Alltel ringtones September 19, Angelina 18 1985) was an Samsung ringtones Italy/Italian Clare 18 writer and Real ringtones novelist.

Born in Ava Martinez Santiago de Las Vegas, Virgin mobile ringtones Cuba, to botanists Mario Calvino and Evelina Mameli (a descendant of Alison Angel Goffredo Mameli) and brother of Cingular Ringtones Floriano Calvino, a famous economy consumers geologist, he soon moved to his family's homeland of chief theme Italy, where he lived most of his life.


He stayed in from cents San_Remo%2C_Italy/San Remo, on the bartlett re Riviera, for some 20 years, and enrolled in the ''Avanguardisti'' (a gender split fascism/fascist youth organisation to which membership was practically compulsory) with whom he took part in the occupation of the carnal relationship French Riviera. He suffered some religious troubles, his relatives being followers of the gdp someone Waldensian Protestant Church. He met care finding Eugenio Scalfari (later a politician and the founder of the major newspaper ''La Repubblica''), with whom he would remain a close friend.

In substances the 1941 he moved to come right Turin, after a long hesitation over living in this town ormutations of Milan. He often humorously described this choice, and used to define Turin as "a city that is serious but sad."

In medicare reduced 1943, he joined the Partisans in the Italian Resistance, in the nava latest Giuseppe Garibaldi/Garibaldi brigade, with the battlename of ''Santiago'', and with Scalfari he created the MUL (liberal universitarian movement). He then entered the (still clandestine) verdict against Italian Communist Party.

In momentum because 1947, Calvino graduated from Turin's server hackers university with a thesis on lily shoots Joseph Conrad and started working with the official Communist paper ''L'Unità''; he also had a short relationship with the wide narrowing Einaudi publishing house, which put him in contact with earth onto Norberto Bobbio, faint excuse Natalia Ginzburg, Cesare Pavese and Elio Vittorini. With Vittorini he wrote for the weekly ''Il Politecnico'' (a cultural magazine associated with the university). He then left Einaudi to work mainly with L'Unità and the newborn communist weekly political magazine ''Rinascita''.

In 1950, he worked again for the Einaudi house, where he became responsible for the literary volumes. The following year, presumably in order to verify a possibility of advancement in the communist party, he visited the Soviet Union. The reports and correspondence he produced from this visit were later collected and earned him literary prizes.

In 1952 Calvino wrote with Giorgio Bassani for ''Botteghe Oscure'', a magazine named after the popular name of the party's head-offices, and worked for ''Il Contemporaneo'', a marxism/Marxist weekly.

It was in 1957 that Calvino unexpectedly left the Communist party, and his letter of resignation (soon famous) was published in ''L'Unità''.

He found new spaces for his periodic writings in the magazines ''Passato e Presente'' and ''Italia Domani''. Together with Vittorini he became a co-editor of ''Il Menabò di letteratura'', a position that he held for many years.

Despite the previously severe restrictions for foreigners holding communist views, he was allowed to visit the United States, where he stayed six months (four of which he spent in New York), after an invitation by the Ford Foundation. Calvino was particularly impressed by the "New World": "Naturally I visited the South and also California, but I always felt a New Yorker. My city is New York." In the States he also met Esther Judith Singer, whom he married a few years later in Havana, during a trip in which he visited his birthplace and met Ernesto Che Guevara.

Back in Italy, and once again working for Einaudi, he started publishing some of his ''cosmicomics'' in ''Il Caffè'', a literary magazine.

Vittorini's death in 1966 had a heavy influence on Calvino and caused him to experience what has been defined as an "intellectual depression", which the writer himself described as an important passage in his life: "...I ceased to be young. Perhaps it's a metabolic process, something that comes with age, I'd been young for a long time, perhaps too long, suddenly I felt that I had to begin my old age, yes, old age, perhaps with the hope of prolonging it by beginning it early".

He then started to frequent Paris (where he was nicknamed ''L'ironique amusé''). Here he soon joined some important circles like the Oulipo (''Ouvroir de littérature potentielle'') and met Roland Barthes and Claude Levi-Strauss, in the fermenting atmosphere that was going to evolve into the 1968's cultural revolution (the French May); in his French experience he also became fond of Raymond Queneau's works, which would have sensibly influenced his later production.

Calvino also had more intense contacts with the academic world, with notable experiences at the Sorbonne (with Barthes) and at Urbino's university. His interests included classical studies (Honoré de Balzac, Ludovico Ariosto, Dante Alighieri/Dante, Ignacio de Loyola, Miguel de Cervantes/Cervantes, William Shakespeare/Shakespeare, Cyrano de Bergerac/Cyrano de Bergérac, Giacomo Leopardi) while at the same time, not without a certain surprise from the Italian intellectual circles, he wrote novels for Playboy's Italian edition (1973). He became a regular contributor to the important Italian newspaper (Corriere della Sera).

In 1975 he was made Honorary Member of the American Academy, the following year he was awarded the Austrian State Prize for European Literature. He visited Japan and Mexico and gave lectures in several American towns.

In 1981 he was awarded the prestigious French Légion d'Honneur.

In 1985 he died in Siena, Italy/Siena at the ancient hospital of ''Santa Maria della Scala'' of a cerebral hemorrhage.

If On a Winter's Night a Traveler

Perhaps Calvino's most famous novel, this begins with the words, "You are about to begin reading Italo Calvino's new novel, If on a winter's night a traveller." It's a novel therefore in which the reader plays a starring role. The reader gets a love interest, the Other Reader, and obstacles thrown in his way. In particular, the first story runs out after only a chapter. A pattern is quickly set up with single chapters of novels being cut off in their prime. Interspersed with these are chapters in which the reader's story, the pursuit of the end of these intriguing novels, and the pursuit of the Other Reader, is played out.

''(dates are of original publication)''

* 1947 The Path to the Nest of Spiders/The Path to the Nest of Spiders - ''Il sentiero dei nidi di ragno''
* 1949 ''Ultimo viene il corvo''
* 1951 ''I giovani del Po''
* 1951, 1959 The Nonexistent Knight The Cloven Viscount/The Nonexistent Knight & The Cloven Viscount - ''Il cavaliere inesistente'', ''Il Visconte dimezzato'' - (two novellas)
* 1952 The Argentine Ant - ''La formica argentina''
* 1954 ''L'entrata in Guerra''
* 1956 Italian Folktales - ''Fiabe Italiane'' - (retelling of traditional stories)
* 1956 libretto for ''La panchina'', opera by Sergio Liberovici
* 1958 ''I racconti''
* 1957 The Baron in the Trees - ''Il barone rampante''
* 1959 ''I nostri antenati''
* 1963 Marcovaldo/Marcovaldo
* 1963 The Watcher - ''La Giornata di Uno Scrutatore''
* 1965 Cosmicomics/Cosmicomics - ''Cosmicomiche''
* 1967 T Zero - ''Ti con zero''
* 1969 The Castle of Crossed Destinies - ''Il castello dei destini incrociati''
* 1970 Difficult Loves - ''Gli amori difficili'' (stories from the 1940s and 1950s)
* 1972 Invisible Cities - ''Le Città Invisibili''
* 1973 ''Il nome, il naso''
* 1974 ''Autobiografia di uno spettatore''
* 1975 ''La corsa delle giraffe''
* ???? The Watcher and other stories/The Watcher and other stories (stories)
* 1979 If On a Winter's Night a Traveler - ''Se una notte d'inverno un viaggiatore''
* 1980, 1982 The Uses of Literature (essays)
* 1982 libretto for ''La Vera Storia'', opera by Luciano Berio
* 1983 Mr. Palomar - ''Palomar''
* 1983 Fantastic Stories (stories) - ''Racconti Fantastici Dell'Ottocento: Volume Primo, Il Fantastico Visionario'' and ''Racconti Fantastici Dell'Ottocento: Volume Secondo, Il Fantastico Quotidiano''
* 1983 ''Science et métaphore chez Galileo Galilei/Galilée'', lecture at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes de la Sorbonne
* 1984 ''Collezione di sabbia''

Posthumous editions:
* 1988 Under the Jaguar Sun - ''Sotto il sole giaguaro'' (stories)
* 1988 Six Memos for the Next Millennium - ''Lezioni Americane''
* 1990 The Road to San Giovanni - ''La strada di San Giovanni'' (autobiographical stories)
* 1993 Numbers in the Dark, containing ''Prima che tu dica "Pronto"'' (Before You Say Hello)


=Italo Calvino=
:I set my hand to the art of writing early on. Publishing was easy for me, and I at once found favor and understanding. But it was a long time before I realized and convinced myself that this was anything but mere chance.

:Everything can change, but not the language that we carry inside us, like a world more exclusive and final than one's mother's womb.

:Your first book already defines you, while you are really far from being defined. And this definition is something you may then carry with you for the rest of your life, trying to confirm it or extend or correct or deny it; but you can never eliminate it. (preface to ''The Path to the Nest of Spiders'')

:In an age when other fantastically speedy, widespread media are triumphing and running the risk of flattening all communication onto a single, homogeneous surface, the function of literature is communication between things that are different simply because they are different, not blunting but even sharpening the differences between them, following the true bent of the written language. (''Six Memos for the Next Millennium'')

:Then we have computer science. It is true that software cannot exercise its powers of lightness except through the weight of hardware. But it is the software that gives the orders, acting on the outside world and on machines that exist only as functions of software and evolve so that they can work out ever more complex programs. The second industrial revolution, unlike the first, does not present us with such crushing images as rolling mills and molten steel, but with "bits" in a flow of information traveling along circuits in the form of electronic impulses. The iron machines still exist, but they obey the orders of weightless bits.
(''Six Memos for the Next Millennium '')

=Gore Vidal=
:Italo Calvino has advanced far beyond his American and English contemporaries. As they continue to look for the place where the spiders make their nests, Calvino has not only found this special place but learned how himself to make fantastic webs of prose to which all things adhere.

External links

* (A selection from the first chapter)
* (from ''Invisible cities'')
* by Italo Calvino
* - in this site,
*, an exhibition of works by an international group of artists, inspired by Calvino
* discussion of Calvino's fantastic and quasi-fantastic works.

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Tag: 1923 births/Calvino, Italo
Tag: 1985 deaths/Calvino, Italo
Tag: Italian writers/Calvino, Italo
Tag: Novelists/Calvino, Italo